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Nursing team and when should I see a nurse

Advanced nurse practitioners

The health centre has 2 advanced nurse practitioners (ANP’s).

They can assess minor illnesses such as;

  • sore throats
  • coughs
  • colds
  • nosebleeds
  • rashes
  • acute ear pain
  • acute diarrhoea and vomiting

They cannot see children under 1. They can also assess minor injuries such as; animal bites, insect bites and minor head injuries. If you have already seen a GP about the problem or have already received treatment for the problem it is not suitable for you to see the advance nurse practitioner.

Our care navigators will ask you questions about your condition and direct you to an advanced nurse practitioner appointment if it is appropriate to do so.

Practice nurses

The health centre has 5 practice nurses and 3 regular locum nurses. Our practice nurses can help our patients to manage chronic illnesses such as asthma and diabetes.

They can offer contraception advice, carry out cervical smear tests and change surgical dressings. They hold baby immunisation clinics twice a week and can give other specialist injections. Some of our nurses have had further training and specialise particularly in areas of chronic illness.

Our care navigators have a great understanding of our practice nurses capabilities and will ensure you are booked with the best person to care for you.

Healthcare assistants

The surgery has 5 healthcare assistants (HCAs).

They can carry out health monitoring services such as;

  • Phlebotomy (taking blood samples)
  • Blood pressure
  • ECGs
  • Health and lifestyle counselling
  • Weight management.

Some of the HCAs have undergone further training and are able to provide services like;

  • Smoking cessation support
  • Administering of certain vaccinations and injections
  • Dressings and care of leg ulcers
  • Asthma and COPD management

When making an appointment for any of the above, our care navigators will direct you to the care of the appropriately trained HCA.