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Physio first

We can offer musculoskeletal assessment appointments with trained physiotherapists at the health centre. The appointments with the physiotherapist are subject to strict criteria.

Our care navigation team will have to ask a number of questions to ascertain the suitability of an appointment with the physio first team. The physiotherapist cannot prescribe medication.

The physio first team will assess conditions such as;

  • Acute sports injuries
  • Low back pain
  • Cervical pain
  • Shoulder pain/stiffness/impingement
  • Elbow pain/stiffness
  • Wrist/Hand osteoarthritis
  • Hip muscular pain/weakness
  • Knee ligament damage or specific injury
  • Foot/Ankle sprains or plantar fasciitis

The problem must have been present for more than two weeks but not more than 3 months and the patient must not have had any previous physio input for the condition (NHS or otherwise). The patient must also not have had a steroid injection in the past two weeks or be booked for one in the following two weeks.

If your condition can be assessed by a physiotherapist in the first instance this is the most appropriate course of action as they are specialists in dealing with musculoskeletal conditions and will be able to set you on your way to recovery quicker than if you see a GP. They can give you exercises to do and if they feel your condition will need a further referral they will start the process for this.