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Social prescribing

Oxfordshire MIND are the current providers of Social Prescribing for our Primary Care Network.

Primary care wellbeing workers take a person-centred approach in the delivery of 1 to 1 sessions for people who are experiencing mental health issues or other social or lifestyle issues that are impacting on their well being. The support provided aims to encourage and enable people to link in with existing support services, use the support available in their local community, and develop tools to increase their ability to manage their own well being.

At CNHC we can book a face to face appointment or a telephone call with a well being link worker for you. Phone calls are available Tuesday to Thursday with face to face appointments available on a Friday. You GP may recommend you speak to/see a well being worker, if they do the care navigators will contact you to arrange an appointment.

Self referral

Send an email with your full name, date of birth, phone number and registered GP practice. It would also be helpful to include a brief outline of the reason(s) for your self referral. Please type ‘self referral’ in the email subject so it can be easily seen.

North and West Oxfordshire email:

Call the Oxfordshire Mind Information Line on 01865 24 77 88 and request a referral to the ‘primary care service’. The Information Line staff member will then take some details [date of birth, contact details, registered practice and a brief outline of the reason(s) for your self referral and will send these to the primary care service team.

Page published: 24 September 2024
Last updated: 24 September 2024