Social Prescribing – media coverage

  • BBC South Politic programme

We had the opportunity on Tuesday 10th July for Dr Pargeter to be interviewed about Social Prescribing for the BBC South Politics programme. This was aired on Sunday 15th July. To watch this coverage please follow the below link. This will take you to the BBC iplayer website. The link will expire on 14th August 2018.

The features appears at around 48 mins 30 seconds into the programme.


  • BBC Radio Oxford

Following Dr Pargeter’s interview about Social Prescribing for the BBC South Politics programme, we were invited to be interviewed live for BBC Radio Oxford on Monday 16th July. Our Patient Services Manager Kris Chodyniecki did the honours on David Prever’s morning show. To listen to this interview please follow the below link. This will take you to the BBC iplayer website. The link will expire on 15th August 2018.

The features appears at around 38 mins 11 seconds into the programme.

To find out more about Social prescribing at Chipping Norton Health Centre go to our Social Prescribing at the Health Centre page.